Département de Philosophie

Faculté de lettres, Université de Genève

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Suggestions thématiques

Propriétés et états de choses

Armstrong, States of Affairs, pp. 1--46
Oliver, The Metaphysics of Properties Lewis, New Work for a Theory of Universals, également dans: Papers in Metaphysics and Epistemology, pp. 8--55; une traduction française de Ghislain Guigon a été publié dans les Cahiers de l'Université de Caën
Loux, Metaphysics, pp. 20--95


Armstrong, States of Affairs, pp. 113--138
Lewis, A world of truthmakers?, dans: Papers in Metaphysics and Epistemology, pp. 215--220
Lewis, Things qua truthmakers, dans: Lillehammer/Rodriguez-Pereyra, Real Metaphysics, pp. 25--42
Mulligan/Simons/Smith, Truthmakers

L'intrinséque et les relations

Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Properties
Lewis/Langton, Defining "intrinsic", également dans: Papers in Metaphysics and Epistemology, pp. 116--132
Yablo, Intrinsicness Mertz, Moderate Realism and its Logic, pp. 163-173 ("The Irreducibility of Relations")
Lewis, Against Structural Universals, également dans: Papers in Metaphysics and Epistemology, pp. 111--115
Fine, Neutral Relations


Sider, Four-Dimensionalism, pp. 74--139
Lewis, Parts of Classes, pp. 29--60
Armstrong, How Do Particulars Stand to Universals?, dans: Zimmerman, Oxford Studies in Metaphysics, vol. 1, pp. 139--154
Schnieder, Once More: Bradleyan Regresses, in: Mulligan/Hochberg, Relations and Predicates, pp. 219--254

Essence et modalité

Fine, "Essence and Modality"
Lewis, Armstrong on combinatorial possibility, également dans: Papers in Metaphysics and Epistemology, pp. 2196--214
Sider, Four-Dimensionalism, pp. 140--208
Fine, The Problem of Possibilia, dans: Loux/Zimmerman, The Oxford Handbook of Metaphysics, pp. 161--179
Sider, Reductive Theories of Modality, dans: Loux/Zimmerman, The Oxford Handbook of Metaphysics,, pp. 180--209
Kit Fine, "Essence and Modality"
Adams, Primitive Thisness and Primitive Identity
Lewis, Counterparts of Persons and Their Bodies

Survenance et dépendance

Correia, Existential Dependence and Cognate Notions, pp. 39-52 ("Chapter 2: Simple Dependence")
Horgan, From Supervenience to Superdupervenience
Stalnaker, Varieties of Supervenience
Teller, A Poor Man's Guide to Supervenience and Determination, The Southern Journal of Philosophy, XII, Supplement (1983); également dans: Tooley, Analytical Metaphysics, vol. 1, pp. 9--24

Bibliographie complète

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Lewis, David K. (1983b). "New Work for a Theory of Universals". Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 61(4), pp. 343-377. Republié dans Lewis (1999: 8-55).
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Lewis, David K. (1983c). Philosophical Papers, vol. 1. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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Lewis, David K. (1983d). "Postscript to Lewis (1968)" dans Lewis (1983c), pp. 39-46.
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Lewis, David K. (1986a). On the Plurality of Worlds. Oxford: Basil Blackwell Publishers.
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Lewis, David K. (1986b). Philosophical Papers, vol. 2. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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Lewis, David K. (1988). "Rearrangement of particles: Reply to Lowe (1987)". Analysis, 48, pp. 65-72. Republié dans Lewis (1999).
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Lewis, David K. (1992). "Critical Notice of Armstrong (1989a)". Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 70, pp. 211-224. Republié comme "Armstrong on Combinatorial Possibility" in Lewis (1999: 196-214).
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Lewis, David K. (1999). Papers in Metaphysics and Epistemology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Lewis (2001a)
Lewis, David K. (2001a). "Redefining "Intrinsic"". Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 63(2), pp. 381-398.
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Lewis, David K. (2001b). "Truthmaking and Difference-Making". Noûs, 35(4), pp. 602-615.
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Lewis, David K. (2002). "Tensing the Copula". Mind, 111(441), pp. 1-13.
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Lewis, David K. et Langton, Rae (1998). "Defining "intrinsic"". Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 58(2), pp. 333-345. Republié dans Lewis (1999: 116-132).
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Lewis, David K. et Langton, Rae (2001). "Marshall and Parsons on "Intrinsic"". Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 63(2), pp. 353-356.
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