Erste schweizerische DoktorandInnen-Tagung in Philosophie
Premier colloque suisse des doctorant-e-s en philosophie First swiss meeting of graduate students in philosophy

Date: 22. June 2002
Theme: Epistemology
Hauptgebäude Universität Bern, Hochschulstrasse 4, Kuppelsaal

10.30 h  Markus Wild, Basel: "This puts the great Difference between Man and Brutes": Locke, Hume and the Function of the Distinction Between Man and Animal
10.55 h  Discussion
11.20 h  Break
11.30 h  Claire Schwartz, Neuchâtel: La notion de modèle mathématique dans la philosophie de Leibniz
11.55 h  Discussion
12.20 h  Lunch
14.00 h  Ulvi Doguoglu, Zürich: Putnam's Conception of Understanding
14.25 h  Discussion
14.50 h  Break
15.00 h  Philipp Keller, Genève: Disbelieving the Sceptic without Proving Him Wrong
15.25 h  Discussion
15.50 h  Coffee Break
16.30 h  Otto Bruun, Genève: On Certainty
16.55 h  Discussion
17.20 h  Break
17.30 h  André Zdunek, Basel: Knowledge is Possible and Presumably Real. Some Promising Options in Recent Epistemology
17.55 h  Discussion
18.20 h  Pub
20.00 h  Dinner


Martino Mona, Universität Bern,
Philipp Keller, Université de Genève

If you want to stay for lunch and/or dinner, please contact one of us before June 17th to make a reservation. See you in Berne!